Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Good Stuff!

Friends! The Glass Menagerie was really good! acting is great! and I loved the concept of the show! If you know the show by having seen it before or read it you will know that it is not the happiest of plays- yet it is a classic and well worth seeing! especially being produced by the Mortal Fools Company! it is playing thru March 27th. check out their website! Mortalfools.org

Friday, March 12, 2010

A New Way to Think About Media

The idea of looking at media and then translating it to different mediums is really interesting. I think that teaching students to look at media forms in this way can really help them to open their minds to what the media is really telling them.
I think that it could be a really fun project to take a play, and have the students take a photograph/make a six-word-memoir type project expressing what they think the theme of that play is, or what they think the design of that play is, etc. in one image. Or to take a photograph and write a scene/10-Minute Play, etc. from the story they see in the image. There is so much to learn when we take something we are familiar with and we look at it in a new and interesting way. Translating through various media forms is just one way to get started, and I think it is a really cool way that I want to start looking at media in my life.

The Glass Menagerie...PTC!!!


So this weekends I am going to see The Glass Menagerie!! at Provo Theatre Company!
I am really excited about this for a number of reasons...

1- The Mortal Fools Theatre Project is who is putting it on- this is a group that includes very talented people and it is exciting to see such high quality theatre! I have never been dissapointed by one of their shows!

2- I actually get to see the show for FREE! Why? - because I am posting some blogs about them! double bonus eh?!
check out their website!!!
