Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Briana's Response #13

Last day of teaching finally completed! I'll admit it was kind of nice to be able to have a little more thinking time between lessons, but it would've been nice to finish before thanksgiving break as well. We had them take a quiz first thing when we got to class today, one that we'd put together from questions they'd submitted themselves in their presentations. And yet, none of them did that well on the quiz. I think the highest score was a 14/20. We continuously reminded them about it, but none of them really seemed to take us seriously. It made me think about whether it was really our teaching that they didn't take seriously or if there was something already there that the teacher has established and the students are used to. I wish there were something we had done that would've made the students learning more effective. Maybe if we'd given them a short review right before the break and a review sheet to do over break, it would've helped them with their learning. I think a lot of what we were used to saying to them was, well who's fault is that? When really we should be taking some of the blame for not following through on our teaching. At what point does it become their responsibility and not ours for their learning though? I don't know where to draw the line. And how do you help a student succeed and learn in your class if they're not willing to put in the effort and take the class seriously?

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