Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Megan Contextual/Cultural Literacies

In the reading it talked a lot about being socially responsible and being a socially responsible theatre teacher. This basically means to recognize a need of some kind in the school, classroom or community and you take action to make a positive change. I think that no matter where you are teaching there will be students that are culturally different. I think one of the most necessary cultural literacies in a classroom is helping students understand each other and be able to work together. This can be accomplished in many ways, and include some of the literacies I want to employ in my own classroom. A teacher has to be careful about the material they select. They should choose material that pertains to the youth and has a connection with personal experiences from various different cultures. They should also choose things that will help students gain a greater understanding for their fellow students and community. They should also choose material that is critically stimulating. One teacher employed literacy well in a rehearsal she said, “Anybody need to carpool?” The need was recognized and some students were able to realize that some other kids may need help in this area. Another literacy is to learn how to respond to individual difference, whether it be race, gender, religion or even poverty. Students always have a chose to act a certain way when sensitive matters are brought up, but I can create an environment where they are safe and empathetic in their choices. Creating that understanding in the work I do in theatre will make the greatest difference.

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