Friday, December 4, 2009

Contextual and Cultural Literacies

I really liked this reading. It is very applicable to our lives and what we will be facing in the near future. The nice thing is that theatre is a catalyst for diaologue. Using drama and activities to express yourself can really be very impactful and helpful. In the reading it discusses how they understand the importance of games, Stories, proverbs. All of these are used when interacting with theatre. By using them and helping the students undertand the importance of theatre, they may be inclined to really start exploring issues that they not have approached before. I want to be able to find that crossroad between the two cultures. It is difficult to do. Growing up in a prodominetly white community can be a benifit but also can be a hinderence to me if I dont search for a good balance. I want my students to succeed and I want to be the adult who is willing to help them achieve that goal. Having the passion for the student can be half the battle. If there is differences in language or understanding, we can take time and work with eachother to understand. Sometimes these students just needs an advocate for them so that they can start to become their own advocates.

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