Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Spiritual Literacies

Understanding that "literacies" is the "how to" access a text, I think there are a couple of literacies to teach our theatre students. The other day, I was actually reading about spirituality from Elder Oaks and I think the things he discussed can be found in a theatre space. As a result, I think one thing that I can teach my students is following through with their impulses. Theatre is the one time that you don't need science or logic or rationale. Instead you just have your emotions or your "gut feeling" to go by. However, if my students are not use following through with those impulses, much of their progress could be stiffled. Therefore, in addition to teaching them things of the text book, I can teach them how to "listen" to themselves as theatre instruments.
As far as teaching spiritual princples without over proselytizing, I think it's actually very possible to do. I first think that Heavenly Father's princples are eternal, therefore they are intended and designed for all of his children to access - not just His Saints. Therefore, with humble prayer asking for guidance in how to make spiritual principles more palletable for the nonmember, I'm confident He will answer. Also, when you think about it, the Gospel is really basic. (e.g. Love one another, strive to do your best, serve each other, develop talents and abilities). All these things can easily be taught in a classroom; there just might have to have slight semantic adjustments.

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