Friday, December 4, 2009

Cultural and Contextual Literacies

I appreciate anything that talks about diversity and the appreciation we should have for it. I think there are definite things we should be aware of as teachers, and these were addressed in this article. I want my students to know that I at least try to relate to them on. Literacies are important because it invites critical thinking. I want my students and myself to always be thinking critically about our surroundings and what effects us. I am taking my multicultural education class right now and the teacher made a good point that all of us are multicultural sites, where we grew up, experiences we've had, people we've met. Also, this article made me so very grateful for the contact I have had with other cultures and contexts. I grew up LDS, went to a private catholic middle school, did study abroad in London, went on a mission, grew up in the south, have close friends from many different races and backgrounds. Culture matters, and it can be understood.

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