Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kristy #11

Last day teaching...
Today we went back for one last class with the students at Springville High School. The students had their quiz today. HA! you learn something new everyday! To the question: "Name one of Becket's most famous plays" one student answered:Pirates of the Caribbean. Another student wrote down a scripture...they sure do make you laugh sometimes! I don't think that the students did very well on the quiz. Which makes me wonder if that is our fault as teachers. But then again at the same time we let them make up their own questions and give eachother the answers. I really want to help my students succeed, but I cant just hand them all good grades without them doing any work for it. So sometimes maybe it is a good thing for them to not do as well so they can see that they really DO have to do work and put some time and effort into it! and that this really IS a class!
After the quiz we gave the students some time to group up and get ready for their scenes. Today, as our final assessment, the students did their 1st previews of the scenes they have been working on. Most were not memorized like we told them they needed to be, so they lost those points. But most of the points came from them just doing it, and participating. We gave each group feedback on their scenes, writing down the feedback as they were performing, including good things and things to work on. Linze will take over from here with the rest of their performances and finish off the unit.

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