Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Briana's Response #16

The past few days we've really been talking about different ways to make our classrooms unified. Unity can come from finding a safe space for students where religious, culture and sexual backgrounds are not a deciding factor for friendship and love. These safe spaces are a new community we create for our students and have spiritual literacies inherent in them. I think a major part of being spiritually literate comes from the talk by Pres. Eyring when he said "We become disciples who are meek, loving, easy to be entreated, and at the same time fearless and faithful in all things. We still live in different countries, but we come into the Church through a process that changes us." Being meek, loving and fearles are the qualities that are required to be an active member of that safe and open community in a theatre classroom. I think those qualities should be present in a teacher, and therefore present in any type of classroom. Learning is a universal thing and therefore should be open to all. These qualities can be further be applied in a theatre classroom because of the self-sacrifice that can sometimes be required in theatre. In order to perform and to delve into theatre, one sometimes has to place one's self in a vulnerable situation. If others present in the classroom have these qualities and practice them, the vulnerability does not have to be felt more than necessary. A trust can be placed within the community and further strengthen that community.

1 comment:

  1. So I was trying to post but it would not let me so I am going to do it this way.
    It is so hard for us to look outside of ourselves and our needs to help other people and allow them to be themselves. It takes being a peacemaker,loveing the people we work with, and accepting other peoples ideas and cultures. In the classroom it is very important for us to encourage our students to express themselves and their feelings in in apropriate ways that do not degrade others ideas. What really hit me in this artical was the story that he told about the two people that got into a discussion about beleifs and it ended up being an argument about who was wrong. I think that so many times these days people assume others are trying to be rude, degrate them, and put others down. Because of this we often times take offence to things that were never ment to hurt us. Then we come back with a hard defence and ofend them. When we have an open mind to others opinions and feelings and CHOOSE not to be offended we allow for open conversations these let people express themselves and it is amazing how much we can learn from others no matter what their background. He also talked about the need for differances in people to learn. I recently read an artical that talked about the reasons people are not happy. One of these reasons is because we have created a society where it is easy to avoid people that we do not understand or that annoy us. Because of this we don't learn to understand them, don't grow ourselves, and become misrable because everything starts to bug us because we have not had to build up tolarance or pacients. We also get rejected by so many people because they don't have to deal with us that we feel like we are worth less, which makes us want to avoid people more. In our classrooms it is important to express and invite others to express there different opinions and chalange each other. It is imporant to listen to everyone and learn from eachother. I don't think it will become preachy because even though we are exemplifying christ when we do these things they are also just things that we should do for eachother as human beings. It is importaint to remeber that the gosple of Christ is here to teach us how to be better human beings and this is how we want everyone, no matter what they believe, to treat eachother and be treated.
