Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Krystle's 18th and final post

Spiritual literacies are a part of theatre. I believe this because I think we use theatre to present values and ideas that we believe in. It's important to have beliefs and to be able to support them but it's important to remember not to make it about who's right. We need to find our commonailites rather than our disagreements. I really enjoyed reading President Eyring's talk. I even read it to my husband and one of the first things he said after was something to the effect of "well that's good. Usually we are being told what we are lacking". I would agree that it is encouraging that President Eyring is telling us "...that we are doing better" and we then telling us how we can do even more. We are often bombarded with what we need to do better and what we are doing well isn't as acknowledged. I think this is really important to remember in the classroom as well. Improvement is good but it's also important to recognize what is being done well. We need to be unified in a cause. This will effect everything from our personal lives to our classrooms. When our classes are unified and in agreement of what they are working for they will work harder. It's like President Eyring's example of how the church is always the first to serve and take care of others. It is because "their hearts were knit, they were magnified in their power." I believe that honesty is a part of this. When we are honest in our dealings it shows. I think that teaching our students to be unified and honest will help them become better people as well. It's not enough to just have the beliefs but we have to life them and encourage our students to do the same. I believe that a way to show this is by service. There are so many way for students to serve one another and the community and providing those opportunities for them is our responsibility.

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