Friday, December 4, 2009

contextual/ cultural literacies

It is important for us to realize that everyone that we teach, whether they look different or not, have come from different backgrounds that can be chalanging and lead to a better experiance for the whole class. Because of the different ways that we are raised and places we come from we all have different experiances and can learn form eachother. If we involve our students in the learning and creating process they will help eachother learn and create new literacies and texts. I plan on having my students create texts with their bodies and also through writing scripts to allow them to express themselves and also creating literacies and texts that they realate to. I am also learning spanish and planning on getting a endorcment in spanish to better help my students that speak spanish be able to understand the requirements of the class. They will also have a chance to ask questions in their own language if need be. It is importaint to reach the students through every literacy possable. I plan on engaging voice, body, text, and explination to help my students understand and acheve all of the tasks I am expecting them to compleat.

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