Sunday, November 1, 2009

blog 4

I learned alot about the ways she teaches. She was really helpful and I am excited to try and work with her students. She said that what she usually trys to do is start with a clip because that gets the kids attention immidiatly. Then the first day she teaches the instructionaly part of the lesson and sometimes lets them get in groups and do written work together usually writing a play using whatever it is she just taught them, like different forms of laughter. The next day they work on the play and get in to their groups for rehearsal. The day after they preform for the class. She said that keeping this structure give the students a routine so they know what is comming and they are on task. It also helps her in planning her lessons and saves on time. the only draw back is that kids know the days they preform and if someone is nervous sometimes they just don't come that day.
The challenges that I think we are going to face is first, her students are very loyal to her. I can tell that they like her alot are listen to her because of that. Also because they are younger I can see them needing more instruction then I am used to giving. However, I will also get a chance to learn how to explain things that I know to people that have not ever heard of them before. I think this will be a great challange because I am so used to people just understanding me. I am looking forward to creating lesson plans that state things clearly and learn how to have fun while doing it.

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