Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 3 of teaching...and it's a friday - Krystle

You could definitely tell that it was a friday. The kids had a harder time paying attention and things didn't go quite as smoothly. It was still a good day though. But this got me thinking about how important it is to balance instruction and activity. Thankfully we had a few activities planned that got them out of their seats because I can't imagine how things would have been if the entire lesson had been instructing the whole time. I think that it was a good idea for us to start off the day with the peanut butter and jelly sandwich activity, it got their attention from the start. I think that the students would have paid even less attention and not have remembered as much had we started right into a discussion about objectives and tactics. It's important to remember to have a balance of instruction and hands on learning. I don't think that just because it's a friday there should be less learning I just think that it's important to make sure that the students know what you teach has worth and that there will be times that they have to listen rather than being active the whole time. But are there days that you should have more activies planned? Such as Fridays or days before holidays? Or should there always be the same balance of instruction and activities. The students will be more engaged when they are doing but are they going to be not as engaged simply because they are distracted by things that will soon happy after class?

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