Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kirsten's Reading Respons #4 - Simulations

When I was looking at the different types of teaching methods, I was intrigued by Simulations. I teach at a youth theatre and during the summers, I teach young kids about creative drama. We do a lot of simulations and it helps them think outside themselves. It pushes them to think how other objects or people may feel. When i was viewing the website, The author, Karen DeBord, said, "Creative, participatory teaching techniques are important tools of the Extension trade. One such set of tools is simulation, games, and role playing. These approaches have high group member involvement while facilitating meaningful and fun learning." I think it is a very effective way to get you into character but also to experience someone else's thoughts in your head. It gets you to think of characters and decisions through that characters eyes. "Simulations, games, and role playing are viable alternatives for learning about and experiencing real-life situations." In a lot of the research I did, it was explaining how it can enhance your classroom. In our Drama classroom, its almost a necessity. We need to get them thinking and experiencing life through different experiences.This type of teaching takes you as the instructor to be actively involved. By being very involved, Simulations can have very valuable benefits and should be used very often.

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