Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 6 of Teaching - Krystle

Monday was our last day of teaching. Can I just say that I really enjoyed it. It made me super excited to have my own classroom and be teaching all of the time. The main goal of this post is to talk about assessing theatre students. *sigh Where to start? I'll start by talking about my assessing experience at Maple Mountain High. Monday was their first preview day. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but it worked. You see the day that we were supposed to hand the rubrics out the class was cancelled and so we were left to hand them out the day of the preview. We figured that was better than not giving them at all. For me it was more of a memorization check than an actually preview considering that only one student was completely memorized. Granted we only had 8 students but it was a little sad that only one seemed to take what we were doing seriously. In the end rather than holding the students to what we had intended we gave scores based more on preparedness rather than audition ready. I think that when it comes to assessing theatre students we are a little more lenient than we are in other classes. I think that we care that the students learns but we care more about their growth than their abilities. I don't think this is a bad thing though. I think that it's good to hold a high standard but you have to know where to draw the line. Theatre shouldn't be just about fun and games. It needs to be about growth and knowledge. I think that it comes down to preparing your students for what you're assessing them for.

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