Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lesson Planning

Lesson planning is so important to do so you know where you are going in each lesson and what the final objective is for your students. But something else that is important is understanding your lesson, not just knowing what it is and what each activity is. I mean that if something happens and you need to adjust because the students don't get it or are going faster than you expected, then you can change activities in the moment so your lesson is being tailored specifically to those students. There was one day where I had something planned but I could see the students weren't connected fully yet and needed to take a step back and spend more time on an aspect we had already done. So I stopped that activity and had them do one that I knew, but hadn't planned for. And it helped. So I learned that understanding where each lesson is supposed to go is the most important part of lesson planning. Along with that, a part of the lesson plan should always have a section at the end containing back up activities. Most likely, things in the classroom are going to go differently than planned on paper. So a teacher should always be prepared with something to do when the lesson changes. And plan in your unit for some lessons you thought would only take one day to take two, and some lessons you planned on taking two days, only taking one. If you plan on it happening, then you will be prepared and won't have any problems.

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