Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Megan's Teaching Day #4

Texts and Literacies: In class on Tuesday we had our first assignment due; it was a memorization check and turning in character analysis sheet. Only one person turned in their homework for each assignment. It was actually kind of funny. This was my first experience assigning homework. Were we not clear enough? Do the students not think we were serious? Did they not understand that they be graded for this? Do they understand that they need to do the work just like for any other unit? Those were some of the questions that ran through my mind. We had to take a lot of points away, but I think they will learn their lesson. Do your homework! But I think also they we could’ve made it clearer. The text being the homework and the literacy making sure they understand what they are supposed to do and what is expected of them. I think we could’ve done a better job with that. Also in class we used the body a lot as a text. We were experimenting with movement and voice. We did various activities that many of them had never done before and they did a great job. I think they are beginning to understand that when you move in a monologue it must be dedicated and have a purpose. And to make sure that you must be heard when speaking. We made meaning in describing what we should be doing with the body. I noticed that these students respond well to what we do in class, but I don’t think they understand the seriousness of doing well. I think they try, but I know there is so much more potential in all of them to really push themselves! They are very talented, they just need to work harder.

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