Sunday, November 29, 2009

Teaching Day Six

This final day of teaching was very interesting. The assignment for each group was to write a 10 minute play, which would roughly be 10 typed pages. We wanted them to be finished with enough time to hear each group read their play. When we saw they needed more time we gave it to them. But at the end of the class three of the four groups were done with their scripts and one even had time to read theirs for the class. The one group that didn't finish only had 3 pages to their script. And it was frustrating to me as the teacher because I kept thinking 'why didn't think group succeed?' We went and talked to them at different times to give them ideas to move the plot along and we had them act out plot points to give them dialogue. But they still only had three pages. I would like to know what to do in those situations when you see that it was obviously possible for the other groups to finish the task, but for some reason one group couldn't finish it. For it to be student centered I need to be aware of all the students, but I don't know what this group needed different to be able to complete the task.

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