Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kristy #9

Teaching day 3

Today Amy came in to observe us teaching today. The lesson went pretty well, although I think that monday and Wednesday went better, but that alright, it still went well.
Instructions have been going well, we start each class period with a warm up and some kind of game that gets the kinds motivated and involved and that we can also relate to what we are doing in class that day. this has been a really good way to start off the class- it sets a tone of involvement from everyone and I think this really helps.
We did some great group instruction, we explained things a few times again and again to make sure they understood what was expected of them. Then we went and broke them into their groups. This was a good time tlo check for understanding on an individual basis, and to re-explain things.
One challenge that I have seen is that there is a surprising amount of absent students! this is hard cause there when there are students missing its difficult to do GROUP work! and we just have to encourage the other students to go on and do it themselves, without their other classmates. This is something I want to ask Lindsay about and see what she does.

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