Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lesson Planning, Teaching Day 1

I decided it's not as easy as I thought it would be to create lesson plans as a group. We spent a significant amount of the time planning, revamping, suggesting, advising against, etc. just the first lesson during the entire time we scheduled for planning all six lessons! Everyone had good intentions but it took us a while to find a compromising rhythm. Once we actually decided to move on (mostly because time did not allow us to continue), our time was up. I think a lot of the... barriers was because someone would have one idea, and another would add their idea to it, but the intentions for each would be slightly different and so there wouldn't be complete continuity. I think despite our challenges, everything worked out in the end. There's lots of things I was pleased with and some things I'd like to improve, but overall I think it was good.
The actual teaching experience was interesting. I really enjoyed the kids. They really like to talk but I think this will be good classroom management practice for me. We had them do a good amount of group work and class discussion activities and there’s a few things, based on my observations, that I’d like to address/change. But I’m trying not to worry too much about it. Hopefully in time we’ll be able to address the “concerns” effectively. In addition to planning with other people, we also have to get use to teaching with other people. I think overall we did ok but after talking about it on our way back to campus, we all agreed that we need to find a rhythm so that we’re all on the same page.

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