Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thinking about contextual factors in the theatre setting, Teaching Day 6

It's done! I can't believe it. It went by very fast. I wonder if it would have seemed a lot longer if I had to teach everyday... I have learned a lot. Probably one of the biggest things I've learned is how to better teach the unit we taught: playwriting. I've seen things that work, and I've seen a lot of things that I'd like to change. I also realized that I think I'm more prepared for teaching than I thought. There's still a lot of things I need to figure out, but I think I'll be ok. Frankly, the entire time I was teaching, I couldn't help feel that this was just "fake pretend", that they were just letting us practice. So I’m excited to get my own class.
As far as today, honestly it was kind of slow...Because they didn't finish their scripts as early as we thought they would, we had to give them the entire period to finish up. We wanted to make sure we weren't disrupting their flow of thought and so our intervention was minimal. In fact, I think I spent a total of 10 minutes talking to students. The rest of the time we were just sitting on the side.
Regarding contextual factors though, I was reminded of the economic status of many of the students. One group was not able to finish in time and so assuming they all had internet/computers, we told them we’d email their script to them and they could work on it over the break. One of the students however, did not have internet. Fortunately we were able to print out the script for her; but it was still a good reminder for me to remember contextual factors that I learn and observe such as resources students have (and do not have) access to.

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