Monday, November 30, 2009

Kirsten--Student Centered Learning

I really like how in this chapter they called it Learner-Centered Practice. I thought it was great how they discussed that the teacher is there to be the responsible adult but the students are also there to ask questions, lead discussions, and shape the learning opportunities. Building that relationship with the students as a teacher is so important. It is so important because it "...creates an atmosphere of mutual trust, openness, risk-taking, and problem solving." In my classroom the relationship I have with my students will be so important. I want them to feel comfortable enough to take risks. I want them to feel that I am there for them. But also I want them to know that they need to work hard. THey need to be able to push themselves and find the inspiration they have inside. I am not going to be an easy teacher, I want my studetns to learn and to grow, knowing that I am there to aid them along the way. Going back to the idea that the students are the one that can also ask questions and inspire where the teaching goes. Each class is different and I want to be flexable enough that I can allow myself to listen and go where the students need me to go. Just by listening you will be inspired where to take the lesson to teach them the most valuable information.

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