Thursday, November 19, 2009

Megan Teaching Response #5

Today we were supposed to teach our 5th lesson, but Bradley was having a matinee showing of his musical so we had are going on Monday for our preview performance day and to include a little of our 5th lesson. Since we didn’t get to teach today I was thinking about contextual factors in the classroom. Right now in our class all the students are white. We have no obvious differences, but they are still very diverse. I just took my multicultural education class and loved it. I had a great teacher. One thing that he kept emphasizing was good mulit-ed or diverse teaching is just good teaching. You have to be flexible and get to know the students. I learned that you have to be very positive and be ready for any witty comments about my race. I may have to teach a classroom full of Asians, Hispanics, or Black people and they may think that I don’t understand or I hate them. I have to provide the resources for them to learn and let them know that I don’t hate them. I want to emphasize that we are all theatre students and that we are not white or black theatre students. But I also learned that some students may want you to recognize their blackness or other race. They want to be acknowledged as different. I will agree and respect them for that. Overall I am still learning and trying to figure out what I will want to do in a diverse setting. All this experience is great!

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